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420: a stoner's extra birthday-day

We are not what you'd call your average girls/women. We enjoy a good glass of wine, but give these darlings a spliff and find out just how awesome we can be.

The 4th of April, also known as 420-day all over the world is a perfect opportunity to share what I love love love about smoking weed and why, even after 13 (!!) years of doing so I am far from sick of it.

I won't say that it's been nothing but shits and giggles. I mean the coughing definitely sucks big time, as does the endless search for rolling papers, latenight trips to the nightshop for tobacco or the sweet smell that is impossible to get out when your grandma calls that she'll be there in 5.

However! Smoking has had a lot more advantages than disadvantages.

1. You don't want to be around me when I haven't smoked at all. I'm not only a rather cranky lady, I also suspect being slightly adhd inclined. Weed is the only thing that has the ability to somewhat calm down.

2. Some of the best days and nights I've experienced were when I was high as fuck.

3. I'm much more tolerable towards. well. Everybody and everything. I have a softer approach to life.

4. Weed and Reggae is a match made in heaven. Or Jamaica. As a bonified reggae lover I am of course not at all against the way sweet mary jane tends to turn up in almost every song.

5. Nothing beats just laying around somewhere and put on a tune that fits the vibe perfectly. When I get high, the music can further determine how I experience said high. Which is a good thing, 99% of the time.

6. I've never met a stoner that judged someone who chose NOT to smoke. The other way around is a completely different story.

7. You can't possibly have deeper discussions than 2 stoners who try to explain the universe to one another. I wish another perk was that I remembered all those things better but that's wishful thinking.

8. Pot is the main reason I never developed an eating disorder. For a long time, munchies were my trusty companion and I always kind of ate my feelings away rather than puking them out. After all: have you ever tried blazing after a puke? Impossibruh.

9. Mary Jane is my KitchenAid. She is the inspiration for a lot of my signature dishes. She appreciates my creativity in the kitchen and makes it thrive even.

10. Last but not least: A friend with weed is a friend indeed ♥

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