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#HashtagQueen Aly                                             




View from another HashtagQueen : 

Aly is the name of our new favorite in-house photographer. We are still trying to make her write because we are SURE that she will write some genuinely amazing shit. This girl is very smart, has incredibly long legs and an amazing ass and CRAZY photo skills. She loves her cats, her horses and her dog and hates wannabe models. We love her and are very happy that we will be able to use her mega awesome photo skills


Fave curseword : Kut

Fave book : not sure yet

Fave hashtag #doenwegoe

Cold or hot shower: hot as fuck

Fave hollywood person : Ryan njummie Gosling 

Warm or cold holiday : Warm holiday - hoewel snowboarden ook de shit is.

Fave place in the world : Where the sun is shining, where nature is amazing and where people are friendly

Fave website : GOOGLE mother of all knowledge

Fave sinfood : French Fries! Which are actually Belgian Fries 'cause fuck the French bro
Worst/best habit : I'm quite blunt when communicating with other people




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